Monday, April 25, 2011

Bright Lights-Big City

Born and raised in Brooklyn NY, I always dreamed of taking the stage 
and seeing my name in lights. Stage freight was so fearful/terrible 
I couldn't stop shaking. I couldn't imagine being on stage before hundreds 
or thousands of people. Then it happened, I had the chance to get on stage 
and sing my little tush off. 
Standing at the side of the stage, my stomach did flip-flops as I waited 
in the wings. Knees began to buckle and weaken to the stress of going out 
there, I can see the audience and felt the fear burn deep, the fear so deep 
that I could barely hear my name. I wanted the ground to open and take me away.
When my name was called, I slowly made my way to the stage. 
What I felt in that moment, glancing at the audience, took me by surprise as 
I stepped to the stage. It was the most calming feeling I have ever felt 
and have yet to experience again. That is when I knew, I knew that was where 
I belonged, that was my calling. That was me! I even received a thunderous 
applause after singing and was told I was the best of the 3 vocalist. I, 
of course, being me, laughed it off. It was a night like no other. 
Now, it's sad to say, that stage freight is back hundred-fold. 
I work on the stage freight but it isn't the same. 
For now, I am working on my writing and the production. I like being creative, 
so that helps with the writing.


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