Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ah Baseball!

The beauty of Spring, is the return of Major League Baseball. There is nothing better than sitting in the stands cheering for your home team. Mine, The New York Mets. Die Hard fan since the womb. 

Never understood a few things that Managers/Players do. It's not just my team, but all teams.

A-If your lead is in jeopardy and your Pitcher is showing signs of being tired (of course this is easy to tell since your lead is faltering) why the hell do you keep him in? Most times you lose the game, your Pitcher is burnt and most likely pissed. I know I am when I am watching, so I can imagine how the Pitcher feels. I don't know, maybe I am crazy and think the Pitcher should be relieved at the first signs of struggle. Isn't the what relief Pitchers are for? At least that is what I thought anyway.

2-Greedy swinging. This is another thing that irks me. I've seen this a billion times. Bases loaded, 2 outs, tying (or winning) run at the plate and batter swings at shit. You know he is capable of connecting hard, but that greedy 'I need to be a star' swing takes all that muscle away. Play the game like you love the sport and you'll connect and be that star. So many unscored runs that could've been happened that way-with the greedy swing. I suggest playing like you did as a kid, the love of the game is what brought you to the field, made you pick up that glove, bat and ball.

3-Stealing bases when it is clear that you won't make it. Some players do this. It is such a wasted out when it happens. If you know you just can't make it, stay put! The guy at the plate probably could've got you home, but you made the last out. Need to start playing the game as if you were kids, when you first fell in the with the game.

I love the sport and always will, but some moves/plays that are made, drive me up a wall and make me curse the TV.

I am a New York Met fan through and through. Ups and Downs, Win or Lose, it's Orange and Blue for me. Let's Go Mets! For my Mom and Dad watching from Heaven, Let's make 2011 our year to shine. Of course with a little help from 2 Angels :-)

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